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Safety Guidelines

Phew, we all can admit that 2020 has been an unpredictable year! As we are now able to reopen our businesses, we are taking additional precautions to keep you and your family safe and healthy. As I write this in early July 2020, the state of Wisconsin has confirmed that while photography is considered non-essential business, it is permissible under the guidelines below. These guidelines are subject to change with new recommendations put forth by the Center for Disease Control and World Health Organization.



  • All props are sanitized after use

  • Wash all used fabrics between sessions

  • After each session, the equipment if thoroughly cleaned and surfaces are wiped down with disinfectant wipes



  • Hand washing is done before and after each session

  • Hand sanitizer is kept out in the shooting area at all times

  • Photographer will be wearing a mask or cloth face covering for your protection

  • Photographer and team will have hand sanitizer available at all times, and use is more frequently



In order to maintain safety, we ask our clients (you), follow these steps to help ensure your (and our) well being.

  • Per the new state mandate, masks will be required by all attending the photo session - accept the person being photographed  

  • Social distancing guidelines will be followed at all times. A minimum of 6 feet of space will be kept between session participants, photographer, and assistant.

  • No-touch posing methods will be used when at all possible

  • Please take your temperature before coming to your session appointment

  • We ask that you limit visitor contact / interactions until after your scheduled session and ordering appointment takes place

  • If you have been in contact with anyone other than immediate family, please let me know at least 2 days prior to your appointment.

  • Please cancel your appointment within 24hrs if anyone involved in the session is feeling ill (experiencing fever, cough, dizziness, lack of taste/smell, fatigue)

  • If anyone involved in the session has been exposed to someone who has tested positive in the last 14 days, or is showing any symptoms of COVID-19, the session will be postponed at no charge

Please complete and submit this form within three days of your scheduled appointment.


This form applies to the session below:

Thanks for completing this form!

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